
Feature List

By April 3, 2020 No Comments

Per-Column Judgment Breakdown ?? Broken link

Trying to think of how to organize this. My current thought is that people will browse this and discover features.
It could also be sorted by options in the main menu or by the options when selecting a song.
Not sure which is better, but just listing things for now.

Information on-screen during Gameplay
Live Step Statistics
Density Graph
IIDX-inspired Pacemaker
Life Meter Types
Notes Per Second
Flash Column for Miss
Subtractive Scoring

Evaluation Screen
Judgement Scatterplot
Judgment Density Histogram
QR Code
Life Meter Options
Track Held Misses

Gameplay Options
Target Score & Action on Missed Target

Aesthetic Features
Rainbow Mode
Different theme variations
Font and judgement preview




On-screen during Gameplay

Live Step Statistics

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